STAR Total Ankle Replacement

STAR Total Ankle Replacement – Louisville, Kentucky

Dr. Preuss is one of the few podiatric surgeons trained to perform total ankle replacement. The STAR Ankle Prosthesis offers a high level of patient satisfaction. It is intended to preserve range of motion while ankle fusion is intended to prevent ankle motion.

Ankle replacement is an option if medications and braces do not relieve the pain of arthritis. STAR stands for “Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement.” A well known surgeon in Scandinavia designed the device. “Total” means that your entire ankle joint will be replaced. The purpose of total ankle replacement is to help relieve the pain in your ankle, while still allowing you to move your ankle.

The STAR Ankle System is made up of three parts and the materials have been used in artificial knees and hips for many years. They have shown to be extremely well accepted by the body.

Dr. Preuss can explain the product and procedure to you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Podiatrist Appointment and Stop Your Foot and Ankle Pain…
(812) 923-9837
(We will schedule you at our closest Louisville area podiatrist office.)

Floyds Knobs Office:
3684 Hwy. 150, Ste. 3
Floyds Knobs, IN 47119
(812) 923-9837

Bardstown Rd. Office:
6323 Bardstown Rd.
Fern Creek, KY 40291
(502) 231-1206

Dixie Highway Office:
2905 Dixie Hwy.
Louisville, KY 40216
(502) 778-9666

LaGrange Rd. Office:
311 LaGrange Road
PeWee Valley, KY 40056
(502) 241-0011